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Benefits of meditation and yoga exercise in winter season

Yamu Bhardwaj
Submitted by Yamu Bhardwaj on बुध, 11/06/2019

Winter season normally brings with it a lots of common causing health related issues. A good  meditation and regular exercise will keep you away from all these issues. 

In Sanskrit this word was derived from "YOJ" युज , which means to combine. It means you are combining your mind & soul with your body. If you are connected to your soul then it means you can cure your body yourself.

Although  yoga exercise are helpful always regardless of season but in winter season it ir more effective.

Common benefits of meditation and yoga exercise in winter:- 

  • Increased body flexibility.
  • Will help maintain a balanced metabolism.
  • It increases muscle strength and tone.
  • Will Improve respiration, energy and vitality.
  • Helpful in weight reduction.
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